Driven to Perfection

RICHMOND (804) 266-2800

WILLIAMSBURG (757) 645-0308

CHARLOTTESVILLE (434) 218-4348

Richmond Limousine is Hiring CDL Drivers Now - $500 Bonus
Website Links: (Schedules must be entered for following two weeks and updated every week) (USE THE APP(DriverAnywhere in iTunes and GooglePlay Store) ON YOUR PHONE OR TABLET...Link is DESKTOP ONLY) (APP MUST BE USED ON ALL RIDES) (use this to review rides you've completed and payroll) CFN Site Locator App available in iTunes and GooglePlay. (To locate gas stations for green gas card*uses a 5digit pin. So add a 1 in front of your normal pin)

Gift Cards will be given out

Refreshments will be served

We will go over light tour information and have a general policy refresher before boarding the bus at 6:30 for a run through of this year's route.

Meeting at 6:00pM Nov 23

@ the office

3903 Deep Rock Rd

Henrico, VA 23233